Privacy Policy

  1. GENFITX Privacy Policy
  2. Collection of Personal Information
  3. Use of Personal Information
  4. Outsourcing and Provision of Personal Information
  5. Disposal of Personal Information
  6. Other

1.What is a Privacy Policy?

GENFITX Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") collects, uses, and provides personal information based on user consent and actively ensures users' rights (right to self-determination of personal information). The Company complies with relevant laws and regulations and guidelines for personal information protection in the Republic of Korea, which must be followed by information and communication service providers. The term "Privacy Policy" refers to the guidelines that the Company must adhere to in order to protect users' valuable personal information, allowing users to use the service with confidence. This Privacy Policy applies to GENFITX services (referred to as "AI Fitting Solution" or "Service" hereinafter).

Collection of Personal Information

We collect the minimum necessary personal information for providing the service. When you sign up as a member or use the service, we collect the minimum necessary personal information required for providing the following services through the GENFITX application program and other means.

The collected personal information includes the following:

Mandatory Information:

Information required to perform the essential functions of the service.

Optional Information:

Additional information collected to provide more specialized services (not providing optional information does not restrict service usage).

[When Joining AI Fitting Solution]


  • Name, Phone Number, Date of Birth, Gender
  • [During AI Fitting Solution Process]


  • Height, Weight, Glove Size, Golfer's Information, Clubs in Use, Swing Data
  • Optional:

  • Left/Right-handed, Body Type
  • [When Purchasing Fitting Clubs]


  • Name, Phone Number, Address
  • The methods of collecting personal information are as follows:

    When collecting personal information, we inform users of the fact in advance and obtain consent.

    We collect personal information through the following methods:

    When users agree to the collection of personal information and provide information during membership registration and service usage. During consultation processes through web pages, emails, faxes, and phone calls at customer centers. Participation in events or activities conducted online or offline.

    The following personal information is collected from users during service usage:

    Use of Personal Information

    We use personal information for membership management, service provision and improvement, development of new services, and more. During membership registration or service usage, we collect the minimum necessary personal information required for providing the following services through the GENFITX application program and other means:

    Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

    We provide personal information to a third party after obtaining consent to the extent necessary to provide services to users. GENFITX does not provide your personal information to third parties except with the user's separate consent or as stipulated by law.

    Name of receiving entity Purpose Provided information Personal Information Retention and Usage Period by Receiving Entity Visited GENFITX Store
    GENFITX Visitors AI Fitting Service Reservation (Confirmation of Service Provision, User Information Verification) Reserver's Name, Phone Number, Reservation Information, Payment Information, Other golfer information and swing data required for AI fitting Duration of Service Usage (until service membership ends)
    AI Fitting Service Provision (User Information Verification, Accurate Solution Provision)

    Disposal of Personal Information

    Personal information is promptly disposed of when the purpose of collection and usage is achieved or upon user's withdrawal request. The disposal process and methods are as follows:

    Electronic files are securely deleted to prevent recovery and reproduction. Records, printed materials, written documents, etc., are shredded or incinerated. Furthermore, in accordance with the "Personal Information Validity Period System," GENFITX separates and retains or deletes the personal information of members who have not used the service for 1 year and notifies them via email or other means at least 30 days before the separation date. Separated personal information is disposed of after being retained for 4 years. However, if there is a need to retain user personal information according to relevant laws, it will be retained for the period specified by the relevant law. In addition, personal information that must be retained for a certain period according to the law includes:

    Act on the Protection of Consumers in Electronic Commerce, etc.

    GENFITX protects your rights.

    You can withdraw consent for collection and usage or request account deletion at any time. You can contact GENFITX Customer Center or stores in writing, by phone, or email, and we will promptly respond. We make efforts to protect your valuable personal information.

    The Company considers users' personal information to be of utmost value and takes the following efforts when handling personal information:

    Encrypting users' personal information.

    The Company transmits personal information through encrypted communication channels and securely stores sensitive information such as passwords.

    Efforts to protect against hacking and computer viruses.

    The Company installs systems in controlled areas to prevent unauthorized access and employs intrusion detection and prevention systems to monitor for hacking attempts. It also uses antivirus programs to prevent infection by malicious code or viruses and continuously applies new hacking/security technologies to its services.

    Minimizing access to valuable personal information.

    The Company minimizes the number of employees handling personal information. It establishes systematic standards for password creation, changes, and access authorization f or databases and systems storing and processing personal information, conducting regular audits.

    Providing regular education to employees on protecting users' personal information.

    The Company provides regular education to all employees handling personal information about their responsibilities and security measures related to personal information protection. Personal Information Protection Manager (CPO) and Contact Person

    Contact: James Kim

    Title: CPO/CTO

    Contact: Customer Center 032-832-8128, Search "GENFITX" on Kakao Channel

    Personal Information Breach Report Center (Operated by Korea Internet & Security Agency)

    (No area code) 118

    Personal Information Dispute Resolution Committee


    Cyber Investigation Division of the Supreme Prosecutors' Office


    Cyber Investigation Bureau of the Korean National Police Agency


    In case of changes to the Privacy Policy

    The Privacy Policy may be amended for purposes such as reflecting legal changes or service updates. When the Privacy Policy is changed, GENFITX will publish the changes, and the revised Privacy Policy will take effect 7 days after the posting date. However, if there are significant changes affecting user rights, such as changes to the types of collected personal information or purposes of use, users will be notified at least 30 days in advance.

    Announcement Date: June 2023

    Effective Date: June 2023

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